When is Your Last First Kiss? OMGosh I have a story to tell Please keep this quite or he kill me… shhhhhh Last night while dropping my boys at their moms house (we’re divorced), my 14 yr old had something to tell me. He jumped into the front seat and wanted to share something personal.
Benefits and Pitfalls: Serial Monogamy vs. Forever After
Benefits and Pitfalls: Serial Monogamy vs. Forever After Before I begin, let’s look at what these mean. By Serial monogamy I mean being in a committed relationship with obvious sexual exclusiveness. Serial monogamy lacks the “rootedness” of marriage. It is more characteristic of adults who may have already been married, but not necessarily, already had
Meeting Organically or Meeting Online
Meeting Organically or Meeting Online Do you like meeting organically or what about online? This past Sunday night, while talking on the phone with a matchmaking service, getting ready to enter a speed dating event, and checking my emails from Match.com I realized I’ve not met anyone of interest organically. What do I mean by
Long Distance First Dates (meeting online)
Have you ever connected with someone online that you really liked and thought WOW, this could be the one? Spending hours on the phone, maybe even skype. Email after email, texting all the time talking about planning that first date? Has this ever happened to you? Well I know I have done it and I
Taking Things Slow, What Does That Mean?
Taking Things Slow, What Does That Mean? So when a guy says that, what does he really mean? Let’s say you are seeing someone you really like (having sex) right after he ended a marriage or relationship. He doesn’t want the pressure of deciding his future and you don’t want to lose him. Just curious,
Is Being Stubborn Keeping You From the Relationship You Want?
Is Being Stubborn Keeping You From the Relationship You Want? “Well, Jonathon, that was a bold statement, what makes you think I am stubborn?” Well my friend, have you ever heard the definition of insanity? It’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “Jonathon, do you think I am insane?”
How Do You Make Your First Date Your Last Date with Him?
Have you ever gone on a date with a guy and thought he is not my guy? So what is the best way to say goodbye without him turning into a jerk? Do you email him a Dear John or just ignore him? Ladies what works best for you?
Does your Belief System Affect Finding Love?
When your belief system (mindset) is that there are no quality or emotionally available men out there, there aren’t. When your belief is abundant, then there are. When you seek only love you see nothing else. Love is when you find someone who is your best friend and you can be yourself around them. When
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