With deep sadness I share every parent’s worst nightmare. On Tuesday July 3rd my beloved son Connor Aslay passed away in his sleep.
As a member of my email community I wanted you to hear it from me and I want you to know his departure has inspired me to send more love out to the world in a new form.
If you have a few minutes to spare, please watch this personal share about the loss of my beautiful boy.
A Personal Story About The Loss of My Son (Connor)
With deep love and much appreciation, thank you for watching.
All my best.
Thank you for sharing this video.
Many Blessings and my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.
Big Hugs
Judy Lopez
Dear Jonathan
I sat here in my quiet and neat kitchen watching and listening to you speak about your youngest son and his passing and as a mother my heart goes out to you and your family. I’m also filled with admiration for you in how you not only honored him, but your other son as well. Nice to see that there are still good men out there.
Much love & hugs
Hi Jonathan,
I’m one of your listerners and I’m truly sorry to hear about your loss. I don’t think there are enough words to express such a personal feeling.
My heart goes out you.Jonathan.
Receive a bug Hug from a friend
From Madrid Spain.
I love listening to what you have say to us women from a clear minded man as yourself that speaks out with honesty , from your own reasesrch and experience on how most men truly think and why they do what they do.
And with this information improve our situation.
Thank you for your wisdom on these matters that help “A Lot”.
I just saw some of your videos. Thank you for being you. Thank you for helping all of us out here who need to connect with a man and do it wisely. I’m bragging on you a bit. I’m also sad for your loss. My husband just passed Feb. This year and I have had to be so strong it hurts. I am lonely but not just to see it date anyone. I’m used to a good man so I know what kinds of man I want. Thanks for telling me things i didn’t know. ❤️
Thank you
Your amazing ability to be real and authentic and share who you are is abundantly appreciated; you have a true gift. Keep showing up. As you do, and share your vulnerability, it shows all of us that it is ok and actually where real love and strength resides. It’s great to be alive and make a difference. ???
So sorry to hear your message about your son’s death. Within the last month, I came across a quote that I had saved from a magazine. It was from John Lennon- “All life is an expression of love or fear.”
-Reaching out to you with love.
beautiful tribute – and sorry for the loss of your young man
I’m so sorry for your loss. Your son will be with you always. Isn’t it a comfort to know he’s in a better place, at total peace?
I am never comforted by that fact I would much rather my son was here.
Horrid sentiment.
Sad indeed
I’m so very sorry for your recent losses. I’m not a parent, so I can’t begin to know what you must be feeling. I can only imagine, and it hurts to even think about. I hope you derive strength from family and friends. I wish you the best as you heal.
Dear Jonathon,
I send you my deepest condolences yet rejoice with you in your sense of love and peace. Thank you for your inspiring message and for spreading the message of love in the world.
May you continue to be connected to Connor and continue to remain present and further deepen your relationship with your eldest son. It’s almost as if Connor left you with a very special gift.
Much love to you,
Thank you for sharing your personal story. It was truly inspiring and heart breaking at the same time. Sending you and all your family my deepest condolences and love. I am a single mum of a teenage boy who has autism we have our tough days but I tell him I love him at least 50 times a day I’ll hug him even tighter now. I’m so grateful to have him and all he teaches me every day. Sending you huge hugs Jonathan. Xoxox
I’m not really sure what your intention was in posting the vidio on the death of your son,and I really don’t want to attack you, but I feel that is what you did to me. EVERYONE grieves differently and NO ONES way is wrong. I lost my Mother on June 1st 2010. My Father that next Valentines Day and 1 year to the day, my oldest daughter. I don’t think the sadness will EVER leave me and that certainly is not a choice. I know that they are all in a better place and that one day I will see them again, but that does not change any of the loss that I feel and ego has NOTHING to do with it and weather or not some kind of fear is involved, NO ONE loved my daughter more than I did. I was adopted, and although I love my parents with all my heart and no one could ever take their place, My daughters are the only part of me that I will ever know. I realize that you cannot fully understand that but they fill a whole in my life that no one else ever could. I am so pleased to hear that you have a good relationship with your other boy, but death can do some real awful things to people that are left behind. My younger daughter and I barely speak any more and when we do, it is usually strained to say the least. I don’t know if things will ever get better although I certainly hope they will and I will never give up that hope. I guess all that I wanted to say is that while you are in a good space right now,(and I am very happy for you, truely), some of us are not that fortunate. There were other things about her death that I’m sure fracture into everything and other feelings that although are not spoken, have to resonate with some to some point. You see my daughter was always a very smart and responsible young lady, but that evening decided to do all her youthful misjudgements at once and while racing her car, ended her life as well as that of her boyfriends and left one other boy here to try to cope with it all. He is not doing that very well at all. So you see although it has been some time since the accident, some of us will live with those deaths every single day. We learn how to “move on”, just like we’re suposed to, but happiness is something we will continue to strive for. I feel her with me too, and although I am glad for this, it also reminds me of how much I miss her every single day. God be with you and your family, and i hope your outlook never leaves you, but please, don’t pass judgement on those of us who are not that fotunate. It is not a choice, but it is a reality.
Dear Mom,
I am so sorry to hear you felt attacked by this video and my intent was to share something personal that happened in my life. Having lost both my mother and now my son in a short time frame, I can only know my own experience of loss and cannot begin to know others pain or even suffering. As I shared in the video, this is merely my experience and I’m choosing to grieve from a space of deep love. Thank you for you kind words and my deepest sympathies for your loss as well. May you find peace in all the pain. Sending a HUG.
That (video) was awesome! Not a relating of loss, but of love to the nth for your son Connor. We all feel like we know you, Jonathon, coming to us with gentle man-splaining humor about ideas and solutions that we ladies — even us old babes — desperately need to hear! My own situation greatly improved after listening to “Beware of an Angry Man” which incited me to make a difficult and drastic change in my life
You and your family are in our thoughts now.
Thamks so much for sharing this in such an honest and vulnerable way! It’s inspiring that you were able to find joy and meaning in such a senseleess tragedy.
Thank you so much for sharing the story about your son and your heart with us. I really heard your message and would hope if I was in that situation, I would be able to see and feel the love as you do. Hopefully I would not be blinded by my ego.
It takes a lot to be vulnerable and share as you did. It is sincerely appreciated.
So very sorry for you and your family…I really have nothing to say…..I can’t even imagine.
Thank you for your authentic sharing (which you always do). My heart is with you, I cannot begin to know how I’d feel. We always have a choice to choose love over fear, however, not always does everyone have the strength or courage to. I wish you love and joy as you continue this process from having Connor in the physical realm. How blessed you are for having him in your life & him for having you as his father. Love to you & yours,
He will still be filling the hole in your heart in ten years. I can vouch for that.
I’m sorry about the passing of your son-obviously someone with a special soul. Yes, the soul knows the time of it’s departure and he preferred to spend the year with meaning in filling his mission in life.
As we know the souls never die, only the body-after death the soul is able to manifest itself even more and that’s why you are really feeling the presence of your son’ I’m sure that you got his message of love and are continuing his “work” by spreading this message of love, acceptance and forgiveness of each other.
May G-d bless you and give you comfort,
Blessing from Israel,
Dear Jonathon,
I am astonished by the beauty and depth of your message and very grateful for sharing this very difficult experience in your life transformed into light and love! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
?? love for you and your son who has crossed over however still with you. I was sorry to hear of your loss as one of your followers. However totally get the importance of being present and grateful especially with our kids. I have a 15yr girl and 7 yr old boy whom I adore and thanks for reminding us that enjoy every moment with each person we are connected to as life can change in a instant.
I smiled when you mentioned your lunch with your son and he talked about the Matrix and how we all live in it and it’s a dillusion he was right.
Finally, I’d like to share eck hart tollie has helped me immensely handle loss with his message that we just change form after we pass.
Take care Eve??
Hi, You are right. You are now 100% connected to him. Glad you got to know him well on this earth. Seizures maybe due to dairy/gluten. Doctor medicine may not help and may hurt. NO gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help. Whole family tree may be affected by gluten/GMO etc..
Sorry for your loss of mom/son. Kids can’t find their job/career by just thinking about it. They need to visit the job that are interested in/volunteer/develop talents and hobbies and find what they enjoy and are talented in.
Many people can’t get over deaths since they see them as a loss. You may help people about deaths now in addition to dating/relationships since this is very needed on this earth. We can create what we focus on think so life is like a matrix, but in addition to what we do, God is real and God is involved. Staying connected with God makes life easier/more blessings/more guidance etc.
People can’t even get over the death of a pet since pets are like kids. Knowing you will see your son/mom again in heaven helps and knowing you can be connected even now to your son. Help others understand. Thanks for sharing and God bless! Some don’t want relationships after divorce/break ups/death/loss…they stop life and forget to live. Help people get unstuck and move on in life. Thanks!
You are right. You are now 100% connected to him. Glad you got to know him well on this earth. Seizures maybe due to dairy/gluten. Doctor medicine may not help and may hurt. NO gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help. Whole family tree may be affected by gluten/GMO etc..
Sorry for your loss of mom/son. Kids can’t find their job/career by just thinking about it. They need to visit the job that are interested in/volunteer/develop talents and hobbies and find what they enjoy and are talented in.
Many people can’t get over deaths since they see them as a loss. You may help people about deaths now in addition to dating/relationships since this is very needed on this earth. We can create what we focus on think so life is like a matrix, but in addition to what we do, God is real and God is involved. Staying connected with God makes life easier/more blessings/more guidance etc.
People can’t even get over the death of a pet since pets are like kids. Knowing you will see your son/mom again in heaven helps and knowing you can be connected even now to your son. Help others understand. Thanks for sharing and God bless! Some don’t want relationships after divorce/break ups/death/loss…they stop life and forget to live. Help people get unstuck and move on in life. Thanks!
I’m so sorry for you loss. Thank you for sharing and reminding us to choose love and be the best ‘us’ in every situation. You are an inspiration. I will be even more present with my daughters. I send my good wishes to his mum and brother too.
I have similar views towards those who transition. Changing the viewpoint to one that consciously creates happiness, open-ness and love is inherently the better choice. Blessings on making the choice to really live and experience fully what it is to be human. The only filter should be love.
Your video put a smile on my face. What a wonderful message of love during your deepest tragedy. So wonderful to hear that you feel your son at 100%. Often the sadness and grief are so strong that we can’t feel the love of those that have passed. Thanks for sharing how you’ve move into that space of love so your connection to Connor remains strong. Your personal story is full of inspiration.
Hi Jonathan,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. Your story really touched my heart because I lost my son last September. He was autistic and had a seizure and passed due to one of the fears you mentioned. Seven months later his twin sister passed. I have an older daughter and I try harder than ever to spend time and check in on her as often as possible! I have also had the peace you mention. Thank you for sharing your story because I can definitely relate. Till we see them again! ?
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you so much for sharing your feelings about Connor. Your story showed so much bravery and courage because of how you dealt with your grief through love. Your attitude is truly an inspiration to others to show how you conquer those negative feelings that might weigh you down to make them more positive and uplifting.
Thank you.
Beautiful tribute to your son. I love that you are showing that there are other ways to experience loss. I hope that this is how more people will be able to experience their loved ones’ passing in the future. Personally, this is how I wish I had experienced my grandma’s passing. We are soulmates and I think I closed down my heart when she passed as it was so difficult to imagine life without her. You beautifully show that it’s possible, with an open heart, to have even an expanded relationship with our loved ones after they pass. Thank you. Blessings, Namaste.
HUGS to you and your family. That was one of the MOST beautiful, profound, INSPIRING and GLORIOUS eulogies I have ever witnessed. I believe it is wonderful that you truly understand that transition can be a blessing because it is NOT and ending! HUGS!
Hi Jonathon,
Thank you for sharing your story – and your vulnerability as a father, a man …
From your wording I felt a small urge to ask you if you are familiar with the spiritual work ‘A Course in Miracles’ (and one/some of its teachers .. ?) ?
Love and peace,
Yes Bente, not only and I familiar… I am in a daily study group. If it wasn’t for ACIM… I don’t feel I could get through this with love and grace. Thanks for asking. Jonathon
God bless you and your family. I’m So sad to hear of your loss. I do believe that he is with you and listening to you. May your days be filled with much love and peace.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. This has been my worst fear as a mom of a 19 year old myself. I feel your loss crying as I think of this. I believe he is with you and share your beliefs. Blessings to you and your family.
Dear Jonathon
I am sincerely so sorry for your loss. I’m crying as I watch you here tell your story about Conner. I admire your strength and love. I only know you a few months and love ❤?? your self love book.
Sending you hugs back filled with love ❤❤❤
Thank you so very much!
Thank you so much for this kind message… you made my morning. Sending hugs
I’m sorry for your loss and thankful for who you’ve become.
Thank you for sharing your heart. Conner is so happy your are happy. I lost my daughter 17 years ago and I am thankful she’s not in pain. One of the worst things to do is lose a child. Recognizing and accepting the loss is Hugh. The rest of the family left behind needs to feel the love you have to give so choosing to be happy allows the others in the family to not lose two people. Personal development and self love are so important In
All aspects of life.
I’ve only known you for about 5 hours… lol…
I can resonate with all your messages and your validations are appreciated. Thank you for your love and commitment to women. I know you help men as well!
Love that you are candid , goofy, and real.
Alone … never … single for a season is golden! … co-dependency nobody’s got time for that … well we shouldn’t.
Love and hugs!!
Thank you, much appreciated.
I have been watching you thank for sharing your story about your Son I have loss my Son about a year ago it’s been tough I enjoy listening too you
There are no words and my heart goes out to you… sending hugs your way.
Wow, I am so very sorry for the passing of your beautiful son Conner. Early in my teenage years I lost my older brother and watched what it did to my mother amd family and my younger brother. For sure there will be cycles of sadness, loss, joy of their memory and profound love. You seem to be in touch with this journey. Blessings on your path.
I am sorry for your loss Jonathan. When my pastor father passed in 2017, I was sad that he was gone, but excited that the goal in his life was finally met. In heaven to meet our maker. I had been reading my bible and a sensed a glow next to me like I had never felt before. It was brief but overwhelmingly love. I have learned not to call upon him but to allow him his new journey as God intends. But boy of boy the memories. I know we will see each other again when that split second comes where I move from here to there. I have a lot of faith learning to do and I also know he is up there praying for me still. I feel that grace and strong desire to grow closer to God because of him. It is an astounding joy. I pray you receive that same joy.
Thank you for your kind words… much appreciated.
Thank you so much for opening your heart, allowing me to glimpse into your spirit this way without expecting anything in return. You show the world who you are as a human by sharing personal pain, though some of us may not have experienced it and can’t relate, others can. I’m sure you’ve helped many. I too believe Connor is with you all the time, as energy never dies, and as you said yourself in the video when you are ready, so are they. I’m happy you found peace within your soul. That is a blessing, not attained by all.
awe… thank you
Jonathan, you are such an amazing person, may the Lord bless you with good health and prosperity 🙏
Dear Jonathan,
I just had to watch your touching video today because I’ve recently got on your channel. And yeah, I’ve commented a few times too with agreeable delight. Curiosity of who is this man brought me here today. I’m so happy for you that you feel at peace. It’s difficult sometimes though, I know. I lost my youngest son too. Many moons ago. Ronnie was a lot younger than Connor when he went home. I think perhaps that because of his tender age, I was gifted to see him twice after his passing. Both times as a young man of about 24. The second time was actually through someone else’s eyes, that reminded me of the first time at his memorial service. Because I had looked away then, in shock I guess. And when I was brave enough to look back, he was gone; and so was the memory for 24 years. Until this new acquaintance told me about being rescued from drowning. And as he described who he thought was a rescue Angel helping him, I was having flashbacks of seeing my son in 1985. But I kept it to myself for almost 24 hours. Almost. Laffing here. 😀
I had done a lot of research back then, in 2009.
To make a very long story short, I’ve come to the realization that people that pass on from OUR lives, DO indeed carry on VERY productive lives in their NEW lives. THAT was when I finally found my peace. I’m extremely grateful to God too. Just as I’m sure that you are grateful for your peace as well.
Brightest blessings to you!
P.S. Congratulations again on the major milestone of your fantastic GIFT for ALL of us!
~ Peace ~
Trudy, Thank you so much for your kind words… much appreciated.
You’re very welcome Jonathon.
Brightest blessings to you and your family.
Trudy 😊✌
Thank you
You’re very welcome of course. 🤗
I listened to your newest podcast this past supper hour. And I tried to text in the live chat that “Kindness Is FREE”… But I don’t know if it showed up. So now I’m letting you know.
I did a tremendous amount of work on myself after Ron passed. If I were to count the actual years of regularly going to therapy, it probably was a total of about five years. Some of that work was prior to his passing too though. I’d venture to say it was probably like a close 50/50 split.
I started a new tradition with myself after sharing with you. I’ve decided that every time for now on that I tell Ron’s story, will bring a red rose to his garden as I call where some of the perennials are over 30 years old. If I had started this new rose tradition sooner, there is a great chance of about 50 roses instead, would have been. So yeah, you were like the 50th person. The story is much longer. But to me, in a very positive way with very specific details that I’ll never forget.
If you would like to share our boys’ stories sometime, please let me know. I’ve been told that I’m a very good listener with lots of patience. I’m a retired nurse that over my career cared for ages 5 to 105. It’s up to you. I’m not going to push it. But I am making my offer known. It was nice to hear back from you again this evening.
Keep Smiling and enjoy your evening.
God bless. 😊✌
Thank you for sharing…
Believe with all your heart that you will be able to hug Conner alive again Somewhere In Time,
Here in Heaven on Earth as God promised.
Just like you, i feared all kinds of possible what ifs and prayed for his safety every day.
I had lost a son, Danny, 10 yrs ago when he was 38 and engaged to be married; although I was sad and cried (still do every now and then) I feel him always and he would visit me thru my dreams. We’d laugh, talk stories, with so much happiness, I’d awake full of joy and love to share.
It’s true what you say and thank you for sharing your beautiful Conner with us.
God has blessed you with love in abundance.
Aloha with love